
Sunday, 9 July 2017

Hypnosis FACT!!

 Photo: BrainInBlue

     Do you trust hypnosis? Hypnosis happens inside your subconcius mind. If you know what hypnosis is, how can you tell the situation? As a human, the real person who drill down this will know how does it happens, how it happens & the feeling while it happens.

     In this world now, hypnosis is a weapon for marketing. There is a way to generate human attraction to buy something, do something & much more with hypnosis. Read the rest and find more how is the situation during hypnosis happens.

Mental Block and Hypnosis

     Mental Block in Hypnosis language arts or better known as Ego State in which they are available to everyone.

     Do you a seller or individual who tried to positive anchoring for your daily life? Hope this information was very helpful to expand brain ability.

     Ego state played a role as a filter in the brain, so all the information received daily either get past the ego state or thrown back without passing through a sieve or the wall.

     When a person arrives Ego State collapse is when they accept, condone, allow, authorize, surrender, release, or similar words to it on a matter or situation.

     For example, a new movie playing at the theater, whether you allow yourself to watch it or block your mind from watching it with a thousand reasons.

     Ego State can be enlarged and reduced according to your own requirements.

     Go to dozens of classes or seminars with a very popular trainer ... if you are a big Ego State, the science presented consequently it will not work properly rolled in the brain ...

     In short ... our life is in the Hypnotic State where it call Hypnosis condition from you get up from sleeping till of you get up from bed til you sleep again on your comfort bed.

     You saw an ad in fb picture ABC (Air Batu Campur) who worked with beautiful pictures and appetizing. Then you saw the trusted comments will make you learn more about the ABC. From that, until you reach a level of your own friend told ABC or carry it into your office for two and felt a spoonful of friends in office.

     Finally you buy it ... when you 'buy' is where INDUCTION has erupted ... (Induction of the language art of hypnosis), which means it has reached the target / destination

Then it was called hypnosis

     The great Marketing Planner out there who work for large Company such as Air Asia, Acer, Samsung, Coca Cola, Hollywood movies, etc ... they use hypnosis techniques and review how can 'anchoring' them with a product / group to the right people with the right price and at the right time for promotion .... consequently ... BOOMMMM ...

Success Energy erupted ...

  • How do they create those opportunities?
  • How do I collapse Ego State?
  • And how to construct the 'rappot' (language arts NLP) between Developer and Client?
  • Or how to 'Anchor' (language arts hypnosis) between the product and the situation or group of people at the right time?
The answer is in you ... find the key ... God willing 😊

Life is like a wheel?

Fleeting glance above and below?

     Do not set our thought so ... Setting the wrong thinking consequently be wrong ... very wrong and wrong ...

More wrong and more uncertain

Do not let your life be a wheel ...

YES ...

Rights ... It remains spinning ... but not in wheel spin ... you will not be going anywhere


Let your life spins like a spiral ... getting in the latent ... the faster the more cohesive ...

So you have to keep your mind set ...
What do you think is going to be who you are ...

If it's more solid ... and consequently ...

"Today is better than yesterday!
Today is better than yesterday!
Tomorrow is better than today!
The day after tomorrow is better than tomorrow!"

Hopefully ...

You can change your way of thinking towards the success ...

     If you are on the way to KL ... or go to JB ... You would seem a big billboard that says this

"Wipe First Then Play"

What are you thinking? What is the first lap you can imagined?

Well ...

The left brain you are interpreting something familiar about the interpretation of yourself ...

When you focused on the Billboard ... apparently ... it is true ... SPORTS cream products to avoid sprain / strain during sports / football / badminton etc.


It is a system that solves 'Ego State' in your brain turn directly into your subconscious ...

When your subconscious mind is on your right brain play an important role to the advert ... certainly if you want to play sports ... what products are you looking for?

Well of course ...

Products in these billboards ...

That's called Hypnoselling ...

Hypnosis + Selling = Hypnoselling

Selling by entering the Pre-Induction into the memory of the brain ...

This is the first basic step In engineering methods Marketing & Selling ...

Would you like to know next? Try this first before you go to the next chapter...

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Dealing with bullies


     Bullying is a big problem. It can make kids feel hurt, scared, sick, lonely, embarrassed, and sad. Bullies might hit, kick, or push to hurt people, or use words to call names, tease, or scare them. 

      A bully might say mean things about someone, grab a kid's stuff, make fun of someone, or leave a kid out of the group on purpose.
     Some bullies threaten people or try to make them do things they don't want to do.
Bullying is a BIG deal
     Bullying is a big problem that affects lots of kids. Three-quarters of all kids say they have been bullied or teased. Being bullied can make kids feel really bad, and the stress of dealing with it can make them feel sick.
     Bullying can make kids not want to play outside or go to school. It's hard to keep your mind on schoolwork when you're worried about how you're going to deal with the bully near your locker.
     Bullying bothers everyone — and not just the kids who are getting picked on. Bullying can make school a place of fear and can lead to violence and more stress for everyone.
Why Do Bullies Act That Way?
     Some bullies are looking for attention. They might think bullying is a way to be popular or to get what they want. Most bullies are trying to make themselves feel more important. When they pick on someone else, it can make them feel big and powerful.
     Some bullies come from families where everyone is angry and shouting all the time. They may think that being angry, calling names, and pushing people around is a normal way to act. Some bullies are copying what they've seen someone else do. Some have been bullied themselves.
     Sometimes bullies know that what they're doing or saying hurts other people. But other bullies may not really know how hurtful their actions can be. Most bullies don't understand or care about the feelings of others.
     Bullies often pick on someone they think they can have power over. They might pick on kids who get upset easily or who have trouble sticking up for themselves. Getting a big reaction out of someone can make bullies feel like they have the power they want. Sometimes bullies pick on someone who is smarter than they are or different from them in some way. Sometimes bullies just pick on a kid for no reason at all.
Gemma told her mom that this one kid was picking on her for having red hair and freckles. She wanted to be like the other kids but she couldn't change those things about herself. Finally, Gemma made friends at the local swimming pool with a girl who wished she had red hair like Gemma's. The two girls became great friends, and Gemma learned to ignore the mean girl's taunts at school. 
Bullying: How to Handle It
     So now you know that bullying is a big problem that affects a lot of kids, but what do you do if someone is bullying you? Our advice falls into two categories: preventing a run-in with the bully, and what to do if you end up face-to-face with the bully.
Preventing a Run-In With a Bully 

Don't give the bully a chance

     As much as you can, avoid the bully. You can't go into hiding or skip class, of course. But if you can take a different route and avoid the mean kid, do so.
Stand tall and be brave

     When you're scared of another person, you're probably not feeling your bravest. But sometimes just acting brave is enough to stop a bully. How does a brave person look and act? Stand tall and you'll send the message: "Don't mess with me." It's easier to feel brave when you feel good about yourself. See the next tip!
Feel good about you

     Nobody's perfect, but what can you do to look and feel your best? Maybe you'd like to be more fit. If so, maybe you'll decide to get more exercise, watch less TV, and eat healthier snacks. Or maybe you feel you look best when you shower in the morning before school. If so, you could decide to get up a little earlier so you can be clean and refreshed for the school day.
Get a buddy (and be a buddy)

     Two is better than one if you're trying to avoid being bullied. Make a plan to walk with a friend or two on the way to school, recess, lunch, or wherever you think you might meet the bully. Offer to do the same if a friend is having bully trouble. Get involved if you see bullying going on in your school — tell an adult, stick up for the kid being bullied, and tell the bully to stop. 

If The Bully Says or Does Something to You

Ignore the bully
     If you can, try your best to ignore the bully's threats. Pretend you don't hear them and walk away quickly to a place of safety. Bullies want a big reaction to their teasing and meanness. Acting as if you don't notice and don't care is like giving no reaction at all, and this just might stop a bully's behavior. 

Stand up for yourself 

     Pretend to feel really brave and confident. Tell the bully "No! Stop it!" in a loud voice. Then walk away, or run if you have to. Kids also can stand up for each other by telling a bully to stop teasing or scaring someone else, and then walking away together. If a bully wants you to do something that you don't want to do, say "no!" and walk away. If you do what a bully says to do, the mean kid is more likely to keep bullying you. Bullies tend to pick on kids who don't stick up for themselves.
Don't bully back

     Don't hit, kick, or push back to deal with someone bullying you or your friends. Fighting back just satisfies a bully and it's dangerous, too, because someone could get hurt. You're also likely to get in trouble. It's best to stay with others, stay safe, and get help from an adult.
Don't show your feelings

     Plan ahead. How can you stop yourself from getting angry or showing you're upset? Try distracting yourself (counting backwards from 100, spelling the word 'turtle' backwards, etc.) to keep your mind occupied until you are out of the situation and somewhere safe where you can show your feelings.
Tell an adult

     If you are being bullied, it's very important to tell an adult. Find someone you trust and talk about what is happening to you. Teachers, principals, parents, and lunchroom helpers at school can all help to stop bullying. Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out because they're afraid that they will be punished by parents. This is not tattling on someone who has done something small — bullying is wrong and it helps if everyone who gets bullied or sees someone being bullied speaks up.

What Will Happens to Bullies?!

     In the end, most bullies wind up in trouble. If they keep acting mean and hurtful, sooner or later they may have only a few friends left — usually other kids who are just like them. The power they wanted slips away fast. Other kids move on and leave bullies behind.
Luis lived in fear of Brian — every day he would give his lunch money to Brian, but Brian still beat him up. He said that if Luis ever told anyone, he would beat him up in front of all the other kids in his class. Luis was embarrassed and felt so bad about himself and about school. Finally, Brian got caught threatening Luis and they were both sent to the school counselor. Brian got in a lot of trouble at home. Over time, Brian learned how to make friends and ask his parents for lunch money. Luis never wanted to be friends with Brian, but he did learn to act strong and more confident around him.
     Some kids who bully blame others. But every kid has a choice about how to act. Some kids who bully realize that they don't get the respect they want by threatening others. They may have thought that bullying would make them popular, but they soon find out that other kids just think of them as trouble-making losers.
     The good news is that kids who are bullies can learn to change their behavior. Teachers, counselors, and parents can help. So can watching kids who treat others fairly and with respect. Bullies can change if they learn to use their power in positive ways. In the end, whether bullies decide to change their ways is up to them. Some bullies turn into great kids. Others never learn.
     But no one needs to put up with a bully's behavior. If you or someone you know is bothered by a bully, talk to someone you trust. Everyone has the right to feel safe, and being bullied makes people feel unsafe. Tell someone about it and keep telling until something is done.
Reviewed by: D'Arcy Lyness, PhD

Source: KidsHealth

How Social Media Is Making You Feel Bad about Yourself Every Day

Symptoms of social media envy

     So what are the symptoms of social media envy? The main clue is an overall drop in mood. You might feel empty after reading some particularly upbeat posts from a friend or relative. You may also feel compelled to read through all their posts, or flick through all their photo albums. Even when you feel jealous, it’s as though you can’t look away. On some level, you might even enjoy using their posts as a stick with which to beat yourself. Within minutes, you can spiral downwards into a pit of self-loathing and despair. You might also feel bad for feeling jealous. After all, shouldn’t you feel happy for others?

Humans are inherently competitive

     It may help to understand how this phenomenon arises in the first place. Humans are inherently social creatures who like connecting with others, but we are also a competitive species. The truth is that most of us enjoy showing off to some extent. The inevitable outcome is a society of people who tend to take every opportunity to show the world just how great they are, and how well their lives are going. Unfortunately, it is hard to remember this when you are browsing Facebook, and this is where the problems start. According to a study carried out at the University of Copenhagen, we start to feel envious when we compare our everyday lives with other people’s highlight reel – which is all social media really is.1 When you fall into the trap of compar ing your private self with other people’s public personas, you are bound to feel inferior!

Jealousy is like real pain

     Why is a jealousy a problem? It might feel like a mere annoyance on a day-to-day level, but the effects can accumulate over time. According to a piece research published in the journal Science, envy and physical pain make use of the same regions in the brain.2 It actually hurts to feel jealous, and it can become a bad habit. Over time, you can become a bitter person who is too busy overanalyzing their own shortcomings rather than living life.

So what can you do to combat social media envy? 

Remove boastful people from your friends list

     If you follow people who make a point of showing off at every available opportunity, unfollow or delete them. Boastful people are rarely good friends anyway. If you still want to keep in touch with them, stick to text or instant messenger instead.

Don’t be afraid to mention good things in your own life

     If you have some good news to share, spread the positivity! There is nothing wrong in acknowledging your achievements and highlights on your profile. It’s only when it is done to excess or to make others jealous that you need to re-evaluate your behavior. Other people might have good lives, but chances are that you have great moments too. You could also set up a private profile that only you can view. Make this private profile as positive or even as boastful as you like. It sounds silly, but it could be a good self-esteem boost.

Limit social media time

     The simplest way to avoid succumbing to envy is to limit the amount of time you spend reading other people’s posts. Never allow yourself to waste hours looking longingly through a feed or photo album. Set yourself a reasonable time limit per day, and stick to it.

Use social media to connect, not compare

     Social networks are designed for positive interactions, not pointless and unhealthy comparisons. Keep your focus where it belongs. Take a genuine interest in other people’s activities, lives, and opinions rather than running yourself down by making it into a competition.

     You don’t have to give up Instagram, Facebook, or other social media platforms entirely. They are great tools for staying in touch with others. However, in order to combat jealousy, you need to keep a balanced perspective and be willing to take a step back when necessary.

Mystery of Kenyir Lake in Terengganu

 Photo: Pelancongan Terengganu

     Long before flooded, Tasik Kenyir policies that were once lush and lovely once part of the earliest populated areas in Hulu Terengganu.

     While not yet a household name, the names of villages like Melor, Keliok, Berching, Petang, Mentong, Melaka, Kuala Terenggan, Kerbak and Belimbing gonna hear when there is a track history of hydroelectric dams. But now the story of the people who once camped deep in the upper reaches of Rajasthan that is not something that is well known. Most of the stories were down orally from generation to generation it has been forgotten.

     Located in the village of Dura, Abbas Othman Kuala Berang name is well known as a former resident who once lived in the village at the bottom of the lake before it flooded in 1984. At the age of 77 years, Abbas arguably among the last generation 'inhabitants bottom of the lake which was willing to share life stories in his native village of Kampung Kuala Terengganu.

     When sharing a memory of his childhood, Abbas acknowledged village life about 60 years ago was very different life now. He said life in the village can be likened to being in a world of its own. Abbas said that the village is separated with other settlements, the residents rely heavily on natural resources so that money has no value.

"As a child I never saw the money because the villagers do not have to use money to buy the goods".

"If want rice, we plant paddy, if need fish just take in the river," he said.

     According to Abbas, the money will only be released from guri (a kind of small jars) several times a year when the people wanted to go back to Kuala Terengganu to buy salt and clothes. He added that bamboo raft ride to Kuala Terengganu, about 50 kilometers from his village when it takes four to five days.

"Traveling by bamboo raft is very challenging because residents had to fast-flowing rivers and rocky.

"Usually a raft accommodate three to four people. They will paddle rotation. There were times when the raft hit the stream broke", he said.

     According to Abbas, life in the desert traversed by the residents began to get the government's attention in the 1950s to advise residents to evacuate. He said the government promised compensation to four hectares of land were moved to Kuala Berang.

"The first transfers began in 1950 after residents a taste of life in the forest was shrouded in poverty.

"They moved in stages because some did not want to move because the love of garden soil and vast rice fields", he said.

     According to Abbas, he and his family moved three times from Kuala Terenggan to Kampung Petang then moved to Sungai Berching and fully residents before settling in the village of Dura since 1959. He added that the period of migration from the 'basic' Tasik Kenyir was done about 20 years before the dam construction Sultan Mahmud Hydroelectric Station in Kampung Jenagor, Kuala Berang.

"As I recall, there were about 80 families involved in the movement of the first stage," he said.

     In addition to the residents of Kampung Petang and Berching, Dura village is now also shared by the residents of Kampung Kelitok and Berching.

     At present, the former village that turned into a lake that can still be seen based on several rivers that still retains its original name.

Other legends

     Another interesting story related to Tasik Kenyir is the story of a giant fish Arapaima gigas hunting. Told that the fish Arapaima gigas is the story of a giant fish that was brought into Malaysia in the 1980s that was later thrown into the lake. Why waste? Because this fish grow by eating large capital. Size of adult fish more than 2 meters, common aquarium was unable to accommodate the size of fish that grow up like this there is no limit.

     In addition to requiring a large space, great food costs also make it not worth to be defended personally (unless you have a fish shop customers come to shop as an attraction). Finally gonna save costs, the lake was the most appropriate place to release. Does it matter? This giant predatory fish become number one in the lake.

     This is not good for a fish sanctuary. Finally the former Menteri Besar of Terengganu has to offer RM10,000 to anyone caught arapaima fish alive.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Short On Space? This DIY Turns Wall Art Into A Table

Turn your favorite framed piece into a Murphy table for dining and working.


  • Old picture frame
  • Plank of wood (same dimensions as pictures frame)
  • Paint
  • 2 heavy duty hinges
  • 2 regular hinges
  • Wall-mounted hook and eye


1. Paint your picture frame and plank of wood to match.

2. Lay the picture frame face down and place the plank of wood on top. Attach them together by screwing hinged to the top of the picture frame and the top of the plank.

3. Screw heavy duty hinges to the bottom of the wood plank (not attached to frame).

4. Open the frame/plank combination to a 90 degree angle and screw the free end of your heavy duty hinges to the wall.

5. Once the hinges are secure, fold the table upwards so that the frame looks as if it is hanging on the wall and the wood plank is hidden between the wall and the frame.

6. While holding up the frame, mark at the top center of the frame where you will screw on the hook and eye. This will allow you to hang the picture frame and then detach it, to bring it down as a table.

Source: BuzzFeed

Articles Psychology & Counseling

 Photo: CariDotCom

     Healthy Mental InfoChanges in the social landscape today has greatly contributed to the overall increase in health problems and psychological disorders such as the issue of marriage, family, work stress, alcoholism, drug abuse and so on. This condition can lead to depression, anxiety, stress and various psychological disorders that impact the quality of life and well-being holistically.  

     Mental health is often associated with mental illness but this statement is inaccurate. Mental health is closely related to our lives. It includes feelings, thoughts and behaviors in yourself, the ability to interact well with others, society and environment and how one handles the responsibilities, challenges and pressures that arise in everyday life.  

     Mentally healthy individuals able to maintain harmonious relations with others, participate in community activities and can contribute in the community (Definition of the World Health Organization - WHO). Burden of Disease study by the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that depression among the causes of mental illness will rise to second in the top after ischemic heart disease worldwide by 2020. 

     In Malaysia, the National Health and Morbidity Survey-III in 2006 to demonstrate the existence of mental health problems is 11.2 percent among adults and 20.3 percent among children and teenagers. The study also reported that as many as 3 million of the 26 million Malaysians suffer from mental health problems.From these statistics, a total of 20 to 30 people out of every 100,000 people commit suicide each year available.

     Improvements were also seen in the trend of mental problems get treatment at government hospitals by 15.6 percent, or 400, 227 in 2008 to 346, 196 patients in 2007. This illustrates that the mental health of people affected today and deteriorating. 

What Is Mental Illness?

     Mental illness is a disease that involves the disruption of brain function that can cause changes to the process of thinking, feeling and behavior which cause disruption to undergo daily activities. Report of the World Health Organization (WHO) show that mental illness is among the 5 major diseases that cause disability worldwide and is expected in 2020 will be the cause of the disease is the second highest. 

Mental Health vs. Physical Health

     Mental well-being can affect physical health. Mental illness can seriously impacted. Individuals who suffer or suffered from mental problems usually less concerned than they physical perspective. According to the study, the effects of mental illness in life is greater than other risks, such as smoking, obesity and diabetes. 

Mental disorders 

     Characteristics of individuals suffering from mental disorder;Contrary Habits:
Individual tells see and hear things that do not exist, namely hallucinations and delusions.

Behavior contrary to the public: 

     Every society / culture has a common procedure and manners that followed.

Perceptions and interpretations of reality: 

     People who are dealing with stress and grief. In addition, they tend to deny and can not accept reality.

One of Adaption: 

     Behaviors that restrict the functionality, roles and behaviors that cause distress and fear, and fear of being in places where many people like supermarkets and large gatherings.

Personal predicament: 

     Suffering from emotional problems such as anxiety, fear and depression. Emotions prolonged to interfere individuals to function normally.

Dangerous behavior: 

     Individuals who want to kill yourself and do threaten the lives of others as a result of emotional stress.Types of Mental Illness: 

Generally it can be divided into three categories:


     Individuals who belong to this group of people experienced the change and disruption to the thoughts, feelings and behavior but it is not up to the level that may affect health. Individuals suffering from neuroses often aware of the state of health but daily activities disrupted.  

Examples of neuroses are: Depression

    Depression is a feeling of extreme sadness and prolonged. Sad is the feeling that we often experience feelings of sadness, but if it is too much to bear, last more than two weeks and interfere with daily functions then it is not that common but sad depressive illness.      


The disease digejalai by feelings of fear, worry and anxiety. A person will feel tense, sweating, pounding beat and feel extreme fear will harm they do not know the cause.


     Those who suffer from psychosis experienced very significant change in the thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Their health is also affected. Patients will feel confused by experienced voices to communicate with those who are called hallucinations. They also have strange beliefs that are not shared by others and cause extreme reactions from patients who are called delusions. Among the examples assume Delusions is no one wants to persecute them or to do evil to cause them to act against the suspects to be dangerous. They may speak gibberish or nonsense, such as speaking a strange behavior, laugh or get angry with no reason. Examples of psychosis often experience are:


Schizophrenia is among the main features of the individual will suffer from hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, disorganized speech and behavior. In addition, their performance also deteriorated significantly.

Bipolar disorder

The disease causes them to experience significant changes in terms of mood and emotion. They often lose control and become too excited (manic) or very sad (depressive phase). 

Personality Disorders

     Basically this disorder that makes a person's character or character defects. Problems experienced this can affect interpersonal relationships with those around him.

i. Cause Occurrence of Mental Illness 

There are several factors that are likely to be the onset of a mental illness.

ii. Factors Genetics / Heredity

Family members with a history of mental illness are at higher risk than the population that has no history of the disease.

iii. Chemicals In Brain Disorders

When chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters do not work with a mental illness will appear. For example:

  • Schizophrenia: High concentration of dopamine.
  • Depression: serotonin levels are too low.
  • Mania: extreme increase in serotonin levels.
  • Concern: There are some problems in the production and function of noradrenaline.
iv. Virus infection

According to research a disease caused by a viral infection has been associated with the emergence of mental illness.

 v. The Bitter Life History

     Some examples are experiencing a difficult birth process, have lost their parents as a kid, too many are experiencing difficult life challenges.

vi. Socio-Economic Situation Low
Poverty, do not have basic or violence in the community can improve the problem of mental illness.

Does Mental Illness Can be cured? 

     Yes, mental illness can be cured. This is because the advances in modern medicine have enabled the discovery of drugs that are more effective in treating mental illness. Almost all drugs used to treat mental illness take some time before its positive effects can be seen. Patience continue taking medication consistently highly recommended. In addition to the support approach psychotropic drugs such as counseling, psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, group therapy, family therapy, educational psychology, therapy, work rehabilitation and psycho-social recovery has proved equally important. 

Are Tests That Can Measure Your Fitness Level 

     Yes. Individuals who wish to know the status of their mental health problems can take a mental health screening program through online because it is easy, fast and simple. However, it can not replace an assessment which are carried out by trained mental health personnel. 
How Would You Like Mental Healthy?

Managing Yourself
  • Recognizing the weaknesses and strengths of yourself.
  • Attempting to control his feelings.
  • Willing to accept failure.
  • Being able to avoid immoral activities.
  • Appreciate yourself.
Healthy Social Intercourse
  • Ability to communicate effectively with others.
  • Being able to give and receive affection.
  • Know the respect and trust of others.
  • To accept other people's opinions openly
Ready for the Challenge
  • Able to face and solve problems.
  • Able to cope with conflict wisely.
  • Being able to make decisions for yourself.
  • Ready to get help if they fail to solve everyday problems.
Steps Towards a Positive Mental Health
  • Accepting yourself realistically.
  • Handle with good time (time management).
  • Plan changes in life wisely.
  • Fostering harmony and love with family members and others.
  • Maintain physical health.
  • Provide time for physical activity and recreation.
  • To ensure sufficient rest and sleep.
  • Controlling mental stress effectively.
  • Applying the principles of good spirituality.
  • Share your problems with others and get professional help if necessary.

Source : Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia(JPAM)

These 5 Tips To Control Drinking Water Intake for Kidney Patients, Please Share It Can Saves Patient's Lives ...

 Photo: United Dialysis Center

     In patients with renal failure, fluid intake should be focused and should not be taken in excess. Kidney patients can not urinate in large numbers as a healthy person. Therefore, if the water is taken to much, it is easy to accumulate in the body, causing swelling all over the body, especially in the ankle down.

     Swollen feet that was extent will affect the quality of life of patients. They can not walk well because their feet hurt. Patients undergoing dialysis are those who desperately need to keep their water intake because they can not pee in the proper amount.

     Usually, the doctor will prescribe how many milliliters of drinkable water for patients to prevent swelling. There are patients who can take only 1000 ml, there were only 800 ml per day. Patients and caregivers need to know how much should be taken so that patients do not become dehydrated (lack of water in the body) and not too much water.

     Ensuring water taken adequate and not excessive for the patient is a challenge because of the weather in our country, Malaysia is hot. Here are tips to make sure drinking water is not more than the recommended physicians.

1. Set up a special bottle for a day

     For example, if patients can only drink 1 liter a day, prepare a 1 liter size bottles of mineral water contains mineral water. Patients can only drink water from the bottle only.

     Should patients be sipping soup or porridge, pour water into the bowl of special bottles as soup / porridge that patients want to live then discard the water. After that, then fill the bowl with soup / porridge. How this is to measure the amount of water taken from the soup / porridge.

     Similarly, if the patient wants to feel flavored drink, pour into cups as much as you want to drink. In this way, patients can ensure that every incoming water in the body is determined by the size.

     The food comes from the water like jelly, ice cream, ice (such as Air Batu Campur) should be taken into account as well as the amount of water you drink in a day. Therefore, patients should show restraint when eating such foods.

2. Reduce sweet drinks 

     Normally, patients with kidney failure also have diabetes. Therefore, it is important for patients not to take some sugar to control of blood sugar levels.

     In terms of control of water, drinking the sweet water is not recommended because of the sweet water would only cause the patient to become more thirsty and will drink more and more. Instead, drink plain water only. That's much better.

Among the foods that can lead to thirst:
  • Burger
  • French fries
  • Fried chicken
  • Carbonated drinks

3. Cut down on foods high salt content

     It is common knowledge that eating foods high salt contents will cause thirst. So cut down on foods high in salt content and MSG like:

Preserved foods: salted fish, salted, dried squid, dried shrimp, shrimp paste, citrus fruit / vegetable

Canned or bottled foods: sardines, instant mushroom soup

Food package: Crackers, chips, instant noodles.

Additional flavors: Cubes seasoning MSG, MSG powder, soy sauce, tomato sauce, bean paste.

Gravy and side dishes of any food a little salty

Moreover, fried foods and too dry can also cause thirst. Do not eat too much.

4. Fill ice inside mouth if they are worn during summer

     Hot weather will cause tongue feels dry and easy to wear. Therefore, tips to reduce thirst without drinking to excess is to chew pieces of ice. However, make sure the ice is taken not too much because it is water.

     Another tip is to chew gum or smell / feel the sour fruit such as lime to activate the salivary glands in the mouth. In this way, the thirst will be slightly reduced due to a wet tongue.

5. Reduce the activities below the sun

     If the patient wants to do an activities like farming, make sure it is done during hot weather for example in the early morning. Likewise if you want to exercise.

     Exercising in the house under the ceiling is better for them because not a lot of water is lost through perspiration. Work out in the sun will cause the patient to sweating a lot and easy to feel thirsty.

     Patients are strongly encouraged to do light exercise to improve blood circulation and heart health.