
Thursday, 29 June 2017

Sex - Your Best Medicine

Can sex be the answer to avoid cancer, protect your heart and look younger? You better believe it. 


Couples who have sex at least four times   week look over 10 years younger than the average adult, according to Royal Edinburgh Hospital research. “Pleasure derived from sex is a crucial factor in preserving youth due to the release of adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine,” says neuropsychologist Dr David Weeks, who conducted the study. 

“Plus, sex triggers the release of human growth hormone, which combats free radicals from pollution. This helps preserve skin cell walls and relax muscles which could otherwise cause wrinkles.”

For optimum results, put that little black book away and start thinking about settling down. “It’s loving intercourse with a regular partner, not promiscuous sexual activity, which gives you the most benefit,” says Weeks. “Casual sex involves detrimental factors to staying youthful, such as anxiety and the absence of security. The key with long-term couples is emphasis on foreplay and cuddling before and after sex – which should last a minimum of 15 minutes – to initiate the chemical response.”


This definitely trumps shelling out the cash for a flu jab. Having sex at least twice a week was found by US research at Wilkes University to boost your levels of immunoglobulin A by 20 per cent. The antibody protects against colds and other annoying viral infections.

The study found those who had the most “vigorous” sex were even  less prone to spurting the wrong kinds of bodily fluids. “The key to boosting these natural antibodies is intensity and fun, so move around and try out all sorts of positions,” says  Paula Hall, a sexual therapist with UK-based relationship consultancy Relate. “Try the ‘sexy scissors’ – with her lying on the edge of a bed, left leg over your right shoulder and right leg over your left. You swing her ankles in and out to the sides to trap your penis  inside her.”


Unleash that libido now, reap the rewards later. Men who ejaculate at least seven times a week in their 20s were found to be over a third less likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer in later life than men who only muster three climaxes. Study author Professor  Graham Giles from the Cancer Council Victoria, Australia, reckons frequent ejaculation prevents carcinogens from building up in your prostatic ducts. “If the ducts are flushed out, there’s less build-up and damage to the cells lining them,” says Giles.

Before you go crazy on the self-love, Giles adds that, “The biggest benefit comes from one ejaculation daily rather than multiple ejaculations on certain days".


Orgasm can halve your sensitivity to pain, according to research in Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. “Sex boosts endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, by up to a third in a matter of minutes,” says Professor Stuart Brody, sexual psychologist from the University of Paisley in the UK. “There’s concrete evidence this helps conditions such as back pain and migraine.”

“If you’re in pain, avoid anything overly vigorous and use long, slow strokes, focusing on grinding rather than shunting,” advises Hall. Try the “starfish”: Lie on the bed facing up, heads pointing in opposite directions, “scissor” your legs and grab each others’ hands for leverage. And fuel-up with a fruit salad to maximise pain relief – black grapes and oranges are high in potassium and vitamins C, B and B12, all of which boost endorphins, according to the University of Surrey.


During orgasm, the body produces oxytocin, a hormone that helps induce sleep. “There’s no doubt sex helps beat insomnia,” says Dr David Delvin, author of The Pocket Good Sex Guide. It’s what you could call an effective tool. 

Boost your sleep potential by snacking on foods rich in the hormone serotonin, such as wholemeal bread or turkey, 30 minutes before heading horizontal. The serotonin hit helps your body absorb oxytocin into your nervous system.


A 10-year University of Bristol study found mortality risk was 50 per cent lower among men who had two or more orgasms a week. “Regular orgasms increase immediate levels of the hormones DHEA and testosterone, which combat the free radicals that cause cancer and heart disease,” says study author Professor George Davey Smith.

The trick is to prolong your pleasure before orgasm. “The longer it lasts, the more good it does,” says Davey Smith. So,  teeter on the edge to increase the intensity of your orgasm. “Thrust as far as you can, then grind against her,” advises Hall. “Your penis will be in the wider part of the vagina, so there’ll be less stimulation. Keep the depth constant for 30 seconds, then thrust again.”

Source: MensHealth