
Sunday, 25 June 2017

6 Ways To Feast Healthily During Raya

Hari Raya feasting is surely on your agenda, given that this is the time of the year for family reunions. And what are reunions without food? But, with so many relatives and friends to visit (each with a spread waiting for you), it's easy to get tempted by all the delicious festive dishes – like rendang, curry chicken, satay, ketupat, and sayur lodeh. Did we mention all the festive kueh? We know how difficult it can be to resist temptation, but resist you must if you don't want your belly to become the main talking point of your loved ones.

Rule #1: Eat High-Protein Breakfasts
Studies consistently show that having more protein in your breakfast leads you to feel fuller for longer. Adding eggs and milk to your morning meal could help you eat less during lunch at your parents’.

Rule #2: Sit Facing Away From the Food
Remember this when you're at the lunch table. A study in the journal Obesity reports that looking at the spread of dishes makes you more tempted to refill your plate. Turn to your right and chat with your cousin instead.

Rule #3: Always Choose Smaller Plates
Simple reason: If there's less food on your plate, you'll eat less. Studies show that when people are presented with a larger amount of food, it causes them to eat 81 per cent more. Smaller plates carry less food.

Rule #4: Slow Down When Munching
Slow eaters eat 201 less calories a day, say researchers from the University of Rhode Island, US, since it takes 20 minutes for your brain to realise you’ve had enough. Besides, you'll get to postpone boring small talk for longer.

Rule #5: Limit The Soft-Drink Intake
Don’t underestimate the ability of sugar in soft drinks to make you pile on the kilos – or ruin your teeth. And you should not be chugging down the cola even if you’re opting for the diet variety: A 2005 University of Texas study revealed that people who drank at least one diet soda every day had a 23 per cent greater chance of becoming overweight than those who downed one regular soda, possibly because those going no-calorie unconsciously gave themselves permission to binge at other times.

Then there’s the toll on your teeth. According to a report in General Dentistry, the phosphoric and citric acids in soda can significantly erode tooth enamel. Try using a straw when you’re drinking your one can of soda – for the day and not for each house you visit – so the liquid bypasses your choppers.

Rule #6: Cardio
Just because you are going to be busy during the festive month doesn't mean you should abandon all exercise. Find the time to put in a workout or two in between the merry-making. Just do something. If nothing else, park further away from your relative’s place so that you can do some leisure walking with your family.

Source: MensHealth